Questioning Fashion with Ali and Jo
Questioning Fashion
T-Shares: A noisy but noice interview at Australian Fashion Week

T-Shares: A noisy but noice interview at Australian Fashion Week

Imagine your name was hand embroidered to your best T-shirt/jacket, and when you passed it on to your best friend, her name was added below. Then her daughter's, and much later her grand-daughter's.

Circular designer Marta Marcos imagined this and then went on to realise it too. Through her slow, Sydney made label you too can be part of this old school library-like process, one that celebrates storytelling and community through fashion. In fact, it’s even better because her fashion label Mine Yours Theirs actually buys the no-longer-hypothetical T-shirt/jacket BACK from you for recirculation.


But first, a disclaimer: our interview with Marta Marcos was recorded during Australian Fashion Week and our microphone picked up all sorts of environmental noise, meaning the sound quality isn’t our best, sorry!

But the content is FAB and so is Marta and her fascinating label, so we recommend listening on speaker rather than headphones.

If you love the concept behind Mine Yours Theirs, now is an amazing time to shop her sale/new collection because she’s one of the Australian designers registered with the WeWearAustralian x Australia Post campaign. That means, if you shop her website between September 12 - 26 and register your purchase with the competition, you could win $5000 of Australian designer clothes and a trip to next year’s New York Fashion Week!!!

Visit her website before the 26th!


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